What is Metaverse? 12 Secrets of metaverse

What are Metaverse? 12 Secrets of metaverse You Wish You Know Before.

1. Introduction

The word "metaverse" is derived from Neal Stephenson's sci-fi Novel "Snow Crash" in 1992.

what is metaverse ?

Literally "meta" means "beyond" and "verse" means "world" meaning virtual world. It is an unrealistic decentralized uncontrolled world.

2.      Definition

A virtual three-dimensional world where people can socially interact through avatars, buy land, play games, and crypto-currencies through Augmented Reality (AR ) and Virtual Reality (VR) headsets rebranded as Oculus Reality Quest 2.

 In short, almost every work could be done in the metaverse which exists in reality. A sci-fi world may be web 3.0 be a part of it.

3.      How to make money in the metaverse?

  • Playing games
  • Creating 3D games
  • Online shopping of virtual clothes for avatars
  • Arrangement of metaverse parties and events.
  • Buying and selling of land in the metaverse.
  • By selling and buying NFTs (Non-fungible tokens).
  • Becoming metaverse designers and architectures.

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4. What is Metaverse NFTs?

   NFT stand for non-fungible token. Let's understand what it means For example you are a painter just like Pablo Picasso you paint a very unique picture (Mona Lisa). Now it has no substitute NFT is the same thing also you have the right of ownership of this NFT. If you want to sell it in the virtual world it would be your NFT.

    Any picture, painting, song, lyric, and phrase which you have created can be NFT. You can sell it in a fictional world through coin-based currency. Currently, Ethereum (SAND) is used to buy and sell NFTs.

5.      What is metaverse in crypto?

Different cryptocurrencies are trying to make their business in metaverse currently Ethereum is backing the SAND currency of Sandbox.MANA is decentraland's native currency.
 In short, blockchain currencies will backup metaverse currencies.

6.      What is metaverse Facebook?

Metaverse is a broader aspect of social interaction as compared to Facebook. It's just like Facebook social media but more immersed and 3D technology where you feel like real-world interaction.

Even you can touch things through sensors which gives the feeling of the real world. Hologram technology will also be used in it.

What is metaverse?

7.      Metaverse platforms

  • Roblox
  • Zepeto
  • Decentraland
  • Sandbox
  • SIMS etc.
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8.      Metaverse games

  • Crystopia
  • Axie Infinity
  • Decentraland
  • Fortnite
  • Roblox
  • Horizon Worlds
  • VR Chat
  • Second Life etc.

9.      Metaverse companies

  • Unity Software
  • Epic Games
  • Roblox Corporation
  • Niantic
  • Qualcomm
  • Facebook Meta
  • Microsoft
  • Nividia etc.

10.      Metaverse avatar

Avatar is a user virtually reality animated picture. If you have seen the movie avatar you can easily understand this terminology. This will be used as your character for social interaction.

What is metaverse?

11.   Metaverse marriage

Those couples who couldn't arrange marriage ceremonies in reality due to any reason just like a pandemic can use Metaverse for this purpose.

Many people are using this and many videos are available on YouTube where you can see their marriages.

 You can also arrange different parties and events on metaverse if you want to save time or have any restrictions.

12.   Metaverse vs web 3.0

We are currently using web 2.0 where users can read and write but can't control it. It is controlled by tech giants and they will get some portion of your online earnings.

Web 3.0 is who will rule the Internet or virtual world individual or tech giants.


13.  Effects of metaverse on Society

goog_19                     i.           Feasibility Issues

 Metaverse requires state-of-art technology like most HD display screens, the best headsets rebranded as Oculus Quest 2, and the most precise sensors.

It required a lot of money metaverse already lost $236 billion on the 4th of February 2022 considered a black day for the metaverse.

The problem of money may be solved because tech giants are trying their best to own it but energy and atmosphere problems can't be solved.

                 ii.           Security Issues

Personal information, privacy and children's security, sexual harassment, and violence are problems that will not be controlled on metaverse because it is decentralised.No one is controlling it everybody can do what he wants.

               iii.           Health issues

Following health issues will be caused by this virtual world.
  • Obesity
  • Mental illness,
  •  Physical inactivity, 
  • Cardiovascular diseases,
  • Psychological issues 
  • Muscle weakness etc.


The metaverse is the future of the internet. It will dominate the world but some problems will be aroused by it.
 Are you in the favour of metaverse or opposed to it? Comment down below.


The following outlines are elaborated in this post.

What is metaverse?

What is Metaverse NFTs? 

How to make money from metaverses.

What is Metaverse in crypto

Metaverse Facebook

Metaverse Platforms

Metaverse Games

Metaverse Companies

Metaverse  Avatars

Metaverse marriages

Metaverse vs web3.0

Effects of metaverse on society 


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  1. Short..but 2 the point👍🏻
    I like it.
