Amazon leadership principles

 Amazon Leadership Principles

What is Amazon leadership?
What are the core values of Amazon?
What is Amazon's leadership style?
What are Amazon's 14 leadership principles?

   In this post, you will know the answers to the above questions.

Amazon leadership principles,14 Amazon leadership principles

 Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his team set out on the road that the 14-item leadership principles inspire forever, all Amazon employees these ideas (every day discussing ideas for new projects, choosing the best solution for customers' problems, or interviewing candidates).

  They add value to the culture and success of the partner company.

 We share with you 14 important leadership principles set by Jeff Bezos and his team to inspire vendors operating on Amazon.

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 1- Customer Focus

 The leaders aim to position the customer in the center and reach everything else starting from this point and work with the power to gain and maintain the customer's trust.

  No matter how the leaders pay attention to their competitors, customers are their priorities and starting points in all matters.

 2- Responsibility

 Leaders think long-term and do not sacrifice long-term values ​​for short-term results.  They take responsibility on behalf of the entire company beyond their teams and never say "this is not my job".

 3- Explore and Facilitate

 Leaders expect innovative thinking and innovation from their teams, finding new ways to make it easier.  Their perceptions openly seek new ideas in all circumstances and do not limit themselves to accepted motives.

 4- Common sense

 Leaders are discreet. They have strong instincts with strong reasoning skills. They seek different perspectives and work to confirm what they believe.

 5- Be Curious and Learn

 Leaders never complete the learning process and always try to improve themselves and conditions.  They constantly wonder about new possibilities and try to explore them with all their powers.
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 6- Add and Develop the Best in the Team

 Leaders take the performance bar one step further with every person involved in the team.  They immediately recognize exceptional talents and provide the basis for their promotion within the organization.

  Leaders discover, develop and take new leaders seriously and take their role in guiding them.

 7- Insist on High Standards

 The leaders have very high standards.  Many people may even think that these standards exceed acceptable limits.  They continually raise the bar and guide their teams to create high-quality products, services, and processes.  Leaders do not allow mistakes and defects in the process to hinder the overall progress and ensure that problems and failures are permanently resolved.
Amazon leadership principles,14 Amazon leadership principles

 8- Think Big

 Thinking small is imprisoning yourself to narrow limits.  Leaders create inspiring results with their bold language and directives.  Approaching situations with a different perspective from competitors;  they find ways that no one is looking, even if they do not, and find ways to give their customers the best service.

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 9- Action without prejudice

 Speed ​​is one of the most important parameters in the business world.  Many decisions and actions do not require extensive work.  Leaders support rapid action by taking initiatives to make risk-calculated decisions.


 Reach the surplus on the road.  Restrictions and limited opportunities; bring together productivity, self-sufficiency, and the discovery of new methods.  If it does not serve the purpose, the increase in the number of people, the size of the budget, or the fixed expenses has no extra benefit.
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11- Earn Trust

 Leaders listen carefully, speak sincerely, and treat others with respect.  They are self-critical, even if they are strange or embarrassing.  Leaders do not easily believe in their own or their teams' unsubstantiated theses;

 12- Branch to the Deep

 Leaders work at all levels of the operation, have full details, frequently monitor processes and resources, and are suspicious of the consequences when they detect differences between metrics and spoken.

 13- Be Consistent

 No matter how unpleasant and disturbing the result is, leaders are obliged to respectfully reject decisions that they are not convinced of.  Leaders are consistent in their decisions.

 They don't compromise on social harmony or something they're not convinced to look cute around.  After making a decision, they stand behind it until they conclude.
Amazon leadership principles,14 Amazon leadership principles

 14- Claim Results

 Leaders focus on the major inputs for their business and ensure them at the right quality and time.  They never give up trying to ensure that the results are negative, even in the event of failure, to capture new opportunities.

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  1. Leaders are discreet.They have strong instincts with strong reasoning skills.They seek different perspectives and work to confirm what they believe.

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